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Skin Write for Us – Contribute, Advertise, and Guest Post

Skin Write for Us

Skin Write For Us

Skin Write For Us – The skin is vital to our overall health and well-being. In addition to acting as the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and viruses, healthy skin maintains fluid balance and helps regulate body temperature. He is compassionate and recognizes the lightest touch as well as pain. It is the largest and most visible organ, covering almost 2two ² and representing almost 1/6 of our body weight. The state of the skin can also significantly impact our self-esteem.

skin structure

The skin, a constantly changing dynamic organ, comprises three main layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutis or subcutaneous tissue, each of which comprises several sublayers. The skin appendages, such as follicles and sebaceous and sweat glands, also play various roles in its overall function.


The epidermis, the outermost layer that we see and touch, protects us against toxins, bacteria, and fluid loss. It consists of 5 sublayers of cells called keratinocytes. These cells, produced in the innermost basal layer, migrate to the skin’s surface, mature, and undergo various changes. This process, known as keratinization (or cornification), makes each of the sublayers distinct.

  1. Basal layer (or basal layer): The innermost layer is where keratinocytes are produced.
  2. Spinous layer: Keratinocytes produce keratin (protein fibers) and become spindle-shaped.
  3. Granular layer: Keratinization begins: cells produce hard granules and, as this pushes upward, change to keratin and epidermal lipids.
  4. Light layer: Cells are densely packed, flattened, and indistinguishable.
  5. Horny layer: It is the outermost layer of the epidermis and comprises, on average, about 20 sublayers of flattened, dead cells, depending on the part of the body that covers the skin. These dead cells are shed regularly in a process known as desquamation. The horny layer is also the seat of the sweat glands’ pores and the sebaceous glands’ openings.

The aqueous part of this film, known as the protective acid mantle, contains :

  • Lactic acid and various amino acids from sweat.
  • Free fatty acids from sebum.
  • Amino acids, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, and other natural moisturizing factors (NFFs) are predominantly by-products of the keratinization process.

This protective acid mantle provides healthy skin with its slightly acidic pH, between 5.4 and 5.9. It is the ideal medium :

  • So that microorganisms related to the skin (saprophytic skin flora) live and harmful microorganisms are destroyed.
  • For the formation of epidermal lipids.
  • For enzymes that drive the desquamation process.
  • So that the horny layer can repair itself when it is damaged.

In most parts of the body, the epidermis is only about 0.1mm thick in total. However,h it is thinner in the skin around the eyes (0.05mm) and considerably thicker (between 1 and 5mm).On the soles of the feet. To learn more, read about understanding skin on different body parts and how male skin differs from female skin.

Dermis (o verdadero skin)

The dermis is the middle layer of the skin, thick, elastic but firm, composed of 2 sublayers:

  • The lower layer is a thick and deep zone that establishes a liquid confluence with the subcutis.
  • The upper layer: establishes a defined, wave-shaped confluence with the epidermis.

The main structural components of the dermis are collagen and elastin, connective tissues that confer strength and flexibility and are the vital components of healthy, youthful-looking skin. These fibers are impregnated with a gel-like substance (containing hyaluronic acid), which can retain water and help maintain skin volume.
Lifestyle and external factors such as the sun and temperature changes impact collagen and elastin levels and the structure of the surrounding substance. As we age, our natural production of collagen and elastin declines, and the sky’s ability to bind water decreases. The skin looks less toned, and wrinkles appear. Read more about factors that influence the skin, how the sun affects the skin, and the aging of the skin.

The dermis plays a crucial role in protecting the body against irritating external influences, as well as nourishing the outermost layers of the skin from within:

  1. Its thick and firm texture helps absorb external blows, and when damage occurs, it contains connective tissues such as fibroblasts and mast cells that heal wounds.
  2. It is rich in blood vessels that nourish the epidermis while removing waste.
  3. Sebaceous glands and sweat glands are located in the dermis. These liquids combine to form the hydrolipidic film.

The dermis also houses:

  1. Lymphatic vessels.
  2. Sensory receptors.
  3. Hair roots: The bulbous end of the hair shaft, where the hair develops.

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  • Writing for the wiki guide can expose your website to customers looking for skin.
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