Having optimal oral dental health is vital. It reflects on your facial expression, especially how bright you smile. Conditions that are overlooked affect oral health, which in turn affects everyday life, which causes discomfort and self-esteem issues. Learn more about the common overlooked dental conditions at https://www.beseenhub.com/ and how they can affect you.

Tooth Decay and Cavities

The most common problem encountered daily is tooth decay. Actually, plaque is what causes this condition because when it accumulates in the long run and produces acid, it can have an effect on the teeth’s enamel.

Impact on Life:

  • Food limitations. As decay progresses, you can avoid foods that are difficult on your part to chew or something that’s too hot or too cold.
  • Financial burden. If cavities reach the advanced stage, treatment can be costly, especially when fillings, crowns, or root canals are needed.
  • Pain and discomfort. It would be too difficult to eat, talk and do your routine tasks if you experience severe toothaches caused by cavities.

Gum Disease

Gingivitis is caused by periodontal disease. This condition occurs when plaque causes the gums to be red, inflamed and painful.

Impact on Life:

  • Chronic discomfort. Brushing, eating and other daily activities make you feel uncomfortable because gum disease causes pain, swelling, and bleeding.
  • Health implications. Gum disease is linked to serious health issues, specifically diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory conditions.
  • Risk of teeth loss. When gum disease reaches high levels, it can cause your teeth to loosen and fall.

Misaligned Teeth

Malocclusion or commonly called misaligned or crooked teeth is more than just a cosmetic concern. Common conditions like gap teeth, a space between two teeth, can be frustrating for adults.

Impact on Life:

  • Eating difficulty: If you have severe misalignment, you may struggle with chewing, and this could lead to improper digestion and deficiencies in nutrition.
  • Oral hygiene challenges: There could be a bacteria buildup if you have crooked teeth because this can create hard-to-reach spaces, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Speech impairments. Having misaligned teeth can affect how certain sounds are produced. Thus, it affects our speech clarity.

Tooth Sensitivity

There are triggers that affect tooth sensitivity. These triggers are commonly cold, hot, sweet, or acidic foods. Once taken, they can cause sharp pain or discomfort because they cause the enamel to wear down and expose the underlying dentine.

Impact on Life:

  • Dietary restrictions: Having sensitive teeth leads you to avoid some foods and beverages, which could limit your diet and enjoyment of taking meals.
  • Chronic discomfort: Brushing and flossing can be painful if you have sensitive teeth, and once neglected, then it can affect your oral hygiene and lead to worse dental situations.
  • Emotional toll: If you experience constant discomfort from sensitive teeth, your mood and way of life can be affected.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth or tooth loss, whether caused by decay, gum disease, or injury, can have a significant effect on our lives because it affects the mouth and the face structure.

Impact on Life:

  • Chewing and digestion problems. It’s hard to chew food properly if you have missing teeth, leading you to experience poor digestion and nutritional deficiencies.
  • Bone loss. The jawbone in areas where you have missing teeth can deteriorate over time, and this could lead to facial sagging.
  • Self-esteem issues. If you have missing teeth, you may feel too conscious about your appearance, which could affect your confidence and social life.