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Hair Loss Write for Us

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Hair Loss Write For Us – The colder seasons are often associated with visible signs of dry skin and hair – such as scaling, reddening of the skin, and static or brittle hair. These are caused by a number of environmental factors such as low humidity, wind, and heating. Studies suggest  that adequate vitamin D in hair delays hair loss, however during winter when temperatures are cooler, sun exposure is less, and vitamin D levels may drop.

What is the function of vitamin D in the body?

Vitamin D is produced when the body is exposed to sunlight, its main source.
The sun’s energy creates a chemical reaction that converts it into a form that the body can use and is vital for bone strength and hair growth.

Just 10 to 20 minutes a day in the sun is enough to increase vitamin D levels.
But it’s important not to get too much sunlight and to always wear sunscreen year-round. In the body, this vitamin is vital to human health for a number of reasons, including regulating metabolism and calcium absorption for strong bones. This helps decrease the chance of bone fractures  and helps strengthen bones. On the contrary, insufficient levels can cause a decrease in muscle strength.
The skin’s ability to synthesize this vitamin decreases with age, however, as long as a person is exposed to the sun for the necessary time, they can maintain a healthy level.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D shortage?

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may be nonspecific but include:

  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Back pain

How a vitamin D deficiency affects hair texture and growth

Restrictive or unbalanced diets, with a lack of vitamins, can be a cause of hair loss. A lack of vitamins can be a cause of hair loss
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However, hair loss can be more important in certain situations. Other causes of hair loss include genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors (such as seasonal changes or exposure to pollution). In some cases, the lack of vitamins can also become one of the causes of hair loss. A balanced diet is important for hair health.

However,  hair loss may be more important in certain situations. Other causes of hair loss include genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors (such as seasonal changes or exposure to pollution). In some cases, the lack of vitamins can also become one of the causes of hair loss. A balanced diet is important for hair health.

Diffuse but reversible alopecia

A restrictive or unbalanced diet can cause significant hair loss in many people. Known as telogen effluvium, this hair loss can be directly related to nutritional deficiencies, and as such should be considered a wake-up call to change your diet.

Fortunately, hair regrows as normal once a balanced diet is resumed or when the restrictive diet is stopped.

The lack of which vitamins affects hair loss?

Restrictive or unbalanced diets cause hair loss because they do not provide the proteins, minerals, and vitamins necessary for healthy growth. Among the vitamins necessary for good hair health, those of group B are particularly important:

Vitamin  B3 (niacinamide) stimulates blood circulation in the hair roots. It is found in almonds, mushrooms, asparagus, avocados, kidney beans, black radishes, parsley, and kale;
Vitamin  B5  increases hair growth. It is found in celery, cauliflower, hazelnuts and walnuts, garlic and avocado;
Vitamin  B6 reinforces the action of the rest of the vitamins and helps to strengthen the hair fiber. It is found in chicken, dried bananas, sunflower seeds, cabbage, spinach, and tomatoes;
Vitamin B8 (or biotin ) regulates the production of sebum in the scalp. Found in brewer’s yeast, mushrooms, legumes, kale, almonds, tomatoes, and sprouted seeds; vitamin
B12 stimulates the renewal of the hair follicle. It is found in meat, offal, fish, chicken, and an alga called spirulina.
Vitamin D can also help prevent hair loss, especially in women. Hair loss due to vitamin D lack is typically more frequent in winter since the synthesis of this vitamin in the body depends on exposure to sunlight. It is found in the following foods: cod liver oil, oily fish, offal, eggs, and dairy products.

Rebalance the diet

Vitamins are extremely important for the health and structure of the hair, but other elements such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and iron are also essential. That is why it is so key to follow a balanced and varied diet. If you experience significant hair loss, despite eating a healthy diet, you should see a doctor. They will be able to identify the causes of the fall and, if it is due to a nutritional deficiency, advise you on what foods to eat, as well as prescribe dietary supplements.

Some supplements, especially those that contain vitamin B8 (or biotin ) are especially effective in keeping hair healthy.

How can you avoid seasonal hair loss?

One source of vitamin D besides sunlight is food. However, it is difficult to obtain a sufficient dose through diet alone, since it only represents about 10%. Try to include oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and fish liver oil in your diet, along with some exposure to sunlight.
Other ways to care for your hair in the colder seasons may include:

  • Limit the use of styling appliances on the hair
  • Use more conditioner or specific shampoos (LINK) to combat dry hair.
  • Do not shower your hair every day, as washing it frequently can dry it out and cause breakage.

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