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Digital Marketing Write For Us -Submit, Advertise, Contribute

Digital Marketing Write for Us

Digital Marketing Write For Us

Digital Marketing Write For Us – The last year has remained a period of significant changes in digital marketing, which will undoubtedly influence the trends when applying digital marketing strategies this 2022. Changes in the algorithm in the Google SERP, the met, averse, or the perspective of a world without cookies have been the primary headaches for marketers. So, if you’d like to know the following steps to take in your digital marketing strategy, please take advantage of this post on digital marketing trends in 2022.

Digital Marketing Trends for 2022 – Digital Marketing Write For Us

Next year will be a critical year at the digital strategy level, and even more so with the situation; we are experts in fencing. There is a saturation of similar products, being able to find the same in hundreds of stores, whether small or medium; let’s talk about Amazon or Aliexpress. This state means that to distinguish ourselves, we must put much more effort into developing a good brand experience strategy.

Jesús Nieto, professor of the Master in Digital Marketing, considers that “the pandemic has obsessed the growth of digital marketing, forcing many companies to take it more utterly and invest more in digital visibility. This has caused an increase in competition and an increase in the cost of buying digital media.

1# Irruption of the metaverse, NFTs, virtual reality

We last heard of Second Life a long time ago. But, even sure, you have wondered what would have become of that project that gave so much talk in the mid-2000s. All it took was for Facebook to proclaim its name change to Meta and declare its purposes to make a strategic pledge to this set-up for marketers to pay attention to this matter.

And just like the metaverse is a parallel digital cosmos where we can find everything, you also have to get ahead and think about how to use it to make your make known and sell your products. Of course, everything remains to be done, but there are already brands doing things.

We all know that Facebook is a company that lives by selling ads. For this reason, during 2022, we must remain attentive to see how digital marketing evolves concerning the metaverse.

I recommend you understand NFTs and how companies like Alpine F1 use concepts like FAN TOKENS with NFTs. Or how Gucci can create a metaverse on Roblox and sell bags for more than €3,000.

Welcome to a world without cookies

The changes experienced in legislative matters to guarantee and protect users’ privacy, together with the trials taken by Apple and Google in their Chrome browsing their users’ privacy, have brought us upside down in recent months.

Some advertising platforms, such as Facebook, have been seriously affected, and we have seen how the sizes of the remarketing audiences and audiences decreased, and conversions decreased. This is because their automated sales and conversion-oriented bidding algorithms were compromised.

On the other hand, we will also understand how Google and Facebook, which are already working on it, offer us alternatives. However, it remains to be seen if they will be as effective as before.

Quality content VS amount of content

The core updates carried out by Google this year have made it clear that Google wants to provide reliable and quality answers to users. For this reason, it will take into account the domain’s authority for a specific topic and the power of the content writer.

It has also made it clear that it increasingly understands the intention of the user’s search better. Therefore, it will search for the best answer to each search intent.

The changes in the SERPs will also make us think about new opportunities, considering that Google is giving more and more results so that users do not leave Google by introducing new snippets.

Featured snippets in Google searches

As we have commented, Google will continue to be essential in digital marketing. However, this year we have seen one of the most significant changes in the SEO industry. With the advance of mobile and voice search, users are shown how they use search engines like Google. As a result, being number one on the SERP results pages is a different goal than we should aim for.

You’ve probably noticed that your search and browsing behavior has changed in recent years due to changes in Google and the fact that we search for information faster when we’re on the go.

Featured snippets and other information in the SERPs mean you no longer need to click through a website to get the data you’re looking for. Instead, it’s right there on the Google search results page.

This information can appear in many places, but the most searched position is right at the top of the page, before the organic page listing. More than 60% of the search results returned by Google have now featured snippets.

Conversational marketing

As Gartner predicted, users increasingly want more non-intrusive self-service experiences. For this reason,  conversational marketing applications such as eCommerce chatbots and live chats that accompany and provide security to users in the last mile of the purchase will play a critical role.

Also, chatbots in full-funnel strategies or Typeform-type questionnaires, with surveys or conversational questionnaires, demonstrate an extraordinary capacity to attract leads. We must remember that these leads may differ from the other qualified leads. Still, they can help us generate audiences and obtain data that, with an excellent inbound marketing strategy, promotes many sales.

6# Video marketing prevails

According to a CISCO study, by 2022, the video will represent 82% of all online traffic. In addition, videos are 53 times more likely to rank high in the SERPs than other SEO techniques. 93% of marketers say video is a fundamental part of their content strategy.

Brands must integrate video content such as product demos, webinars, and live video events to keep their content fresh and allied with what consumers are looking for.

Furthermore, the live video industry is expected to continue to grow. It’s already incredibly popular with consumers, with users spending three times more time watching live video than pre-recorded video.

7# Automation does not code in marketing

The tools for programming automated processes for the marketing professional are increasingly intuitive and give marketing teams complete independence from programming teams. In 2022, the degree of automation and complexity will upsurge thanks to these tools.

In addition, not only will consecutive automation be used, but automation will also be applied per user based on events and the journey that follows. All this to create sole and personalized experiences.

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  • Writing for The wiki guide can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for Digital Marketing.
  • The wiki guide presence is on Social media and will share your article with the Digital Marketing-related audience.
  • You can reach out to Digital Marketing enthusiasts.

Search Terms Related to Digital Marketing Write For Us

Here at The Wiki Guide, we publish well-researched, informative, and unique articles. In addition, we also cover reports related to the following:

  • marketing
  • Internet
  • online
  • desktop computers
  • digital media
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • search engine marketing (SEM)
  • content marketing
  • influencer marketing
  • data
  • e-commerce
  • social media marketing
  • social media optimization
  • e-mail direct marketing
  • display advertising
  • e-books
  • optical disks
  • SMS
  • MMS
  • online marketing
  • website traffic
  • website
  • web page
  • organic
  • paid traffic
  • image search
  • video search
  • academic search
  • mobile phones

Search Terms for Digital Marketing Write For Us

social media marketing + “write for us”
digital marketing company write for us
e-commerce marketing “write for us”
Facebook marketing write for us
digital marketing guest post
write for us + digital marketing
social media marketing guest post
write for us about technology
video marketing “write for us”
marketing write for us
write to us about digital marketing in India

Guidelines of the Article on The Wiki Guide – Digital Marketing Write For Us

  • We at The Wiki Guide welcome fresh and unique content related to Digital Marketing.
  • The wiki guide allows a minimum of 500+ words related to Digital  Marketing.
  • The editorial team of the wiki guide does not encourage promotional content related to Digital Marketing.
  • For publishing an article at The Wiki guide email us at
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