Wellness to Wholeness – Today, I accompany you again on this journey to continue to inspire you to reach fulfillment.
I consider myself a faithful defender that the change of perspective and attitude comes from oneself, from the essentials of discovering our inner potential to empower ourselves and be aware that we deserve to feel better and that we are the actual creators of our day today. We do not see kinds of stuff as they are but as we are.
As social beings, we satisfy our need for interaction with the group, and we are nourished by contact with others. Still, sometimes unpleasant situations can arise from that contact that takes us away from well-being. And in this sense, and with the objective that concerns us, we ask ourselves:
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What do we do with the others?
Frustrations with other people can ruin our day, or part of it: from getting angry with other drivers who cross paths, getting frustrated with our children and partners, or being irritated with co-workers, to being offended by a stranger, a waiter, or a flight attendant who does not treat us as we expect.
” We are all learning ” is a slogan that I like to remember when I have to manage frustration or anger and I need to put things in perspective, both with myself and others. Think that we are all at different stages with different abilities, and no one has learned everything.
Another critical aspect is to think that ” the other is not the problem. ” What does this mean? If someone is impolite to you and you get angry with them, the problem is not the other person’s actions but your reaction. Or, more specifically, it is not even your reaction but the measures derived from that emotional response. Therefore, the other person is not the cause of your discomfort but that you have taken things personally. This skill may seem ninja-level, and it takes time, but I promise you, it makes a massive difference.
These two keys will give us personal value and improve our relationships. If we understand the actions of the other as something alien to ourselves and seek to help them, they are more likely to thank us than to be angry or feel pain. And the end of the toxic cycle.
Practice Mindfulness or Full Consciousness
Through awareness of our thoughts, feelings, pain, self-evaluation, judgment, etc., including external stimuli.
Close your eyes for a moment, and instead of trying to push your thoughts out or focus on your breath, explore what is happening as you watch, what is coming, and what is going. Like someone sitting in a station seeing the trains coming and going. It consists of realizing what it is, that everything is fine as it’s express in your body and your mind.
A secret: you can do it at any time and place; you need to want to dedicate a minute to yourself, to listen to yourself. You don’t need meditation postures or comfortable clothes, and you only need yourself.
Many studies and investigations highlight the power of Mindfulness to provide us with benefits such as increasing our ability to concentrate, improving our self-confidence, reducing stress, feeling more energy, etc. And it gives us an essential idea: to discover that it is not the mind that rules over us, but quite the opposite.
gratitude sessions
Think about what you feel lucky for, whether it’s when you wake up in the morning or a moment before you go to sleep, but be thankful. If you failed at something, what did you learn from it? If you are not perfect, what is there in your imperfection that you can be thankful for? Feel free to write about these things every day or as often as possible.
talk to someone
It is one of my favorite techniques. We are so in our heads that it is difficult to separate our thoughts and emotions to see things. Dare to talk about what is trendy to you with another person will favor the order in your ideas to prepare the speech, but it can also contribute to a better understanding of yourself.
In addition, each person brings a different life story behind them and, hopefully, a different culture from your own that can enrich your perspective by helping you explore new options.
I recommend combining this step with any of the previous ones.
Reach fulfillment knowing you
Dissatisfaction, well managed, inspires us to improve, feeding curiosity and making us feel alive continuously. Finding satisfaction has promoted any success I have found: it helped me dare, change my habits and my city, and without a doubt, it has made me a better woman, friend, and professional. From the discomfort it causes, I have connected with the need to faithfully believe that another way of doing things is possible, fostering my creativity.
Remember the famous ” stay hungry, stay foolish ” by Steve Jobs, inviting us to the adventure of not being satisfied and going for more, regardless of what others think of us, being authentic and unique.
Realize that you already have all you need to feel fulfilled; you need to let go of your insecurities and be aware of how amazing you are. You don’t need to improve, and you need to see that the amazing is already in you.